Friday, April 30, 2010

Final Blog

1.) I have never used blogging before this class. I was a bit apprehensive at first, because I new that everyone would be able to read what I was writing. In spite of this, once I started blogging I found it sort of exciting and fun at the same time. Many people all around the world are blogging and getting their thoughts, ideas and opinions out there. I find it to be a great way to express yourself and for others to read about you. It is interesting how other people can add their thoughts about your topic.

2.) I found blogging to be extremely useful reflection and communication tool. I was able to read what other students had to say about certain topics and decide whether I agreed or disagreed with them. This tool can be informative and enables people to get their thoughts out to the public and all you need to have is a computer and a free blogger account.

3.) I would use a blog in my classroom. I think it would work the best with middle school and high school students. This is an easy and effective way to have the whole class communicate out of class. I would post artists and art related website for students to look at and write a review about. Since we are in such a technology/ visually based society, I think it would be helpful to incorporate a blog page into every classroom. Students will find it enjoyable to make their own blog page and also design the format of it.

Friday, April 23, 2010

porTfoLio reSourCe

My resource:

I was very impressed with this digital portfolio. I thought it was well laid out and wasn't too cluttered. I am drawn to portfolios that leave room for the works to breath.I thought this portfolio worked because not only was it creative, but it was also user friendly. It is vital when making a digital portfolio that have your works and areas where you click clearly labeled and easy to understand.
I would take several ideas from this portfolio and use them in mine. I think it helps to have some sort of icon or logo created for the initial page. I want to leave white space around my images so that the viewer can appreciate each image, rather than seeing everything come together at once. I am also drawn to the way they cropped the image in their 3D section and had you click on it to enlarge. I want my portfolio to be clean, neat and creative.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

A.) I chose both Britney and Jill because I sit next to them and I am interested in their views and ideas. Then I selected a person that I did not know that much about.

B.) I decided to focus on the activity that I had the most fun with which was the self-portrait. I wanted to see what different people chose as their inspirations. I find it helpful to view other artists’ works before I start my own projects.

C.) I would definitely use a blog as a communication tool if I were working with high school or even middle school students. I think it may be too difficult for elementary though. You could use a blog to hold classroom discussions on articles and artists. It is also a great way to have the class come together as a whole when they can not meet, for example on weekends. Since students now seem to be more computer literate than ever, I think it is necessary to bring this type of learning to the classroom. This will keep you as a teacher up to date and help the students gain knowledge.

Here are my comments on my classmates blogs:

Monday, April 5, 2010

I would definitely use Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator in my classroom. I feel it is important for students to learn how to create artwork in digital programs. I would introduce them to Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. I would collaborate with the class and create a digital story.
I would have mac computers available for the students to work on. I feel the Mac is the best computer for creating design and artwork. I would try to have the Macs available if it was in the schools budget. The Mac computers are easy to use and are designed to be energy efficient. There are also educational discounts for the schools if they purchase several computers.

I would use Project Learning. I think this is a great way for students to connect with other students and explore real world problems. Students will be able to gain self-direction and research skills as well as hands on experience. Students will be learning several different skills that will help them later in their life. I would have the students focus on what they can do to be more earth friendly and green.