Friday, April 30, 2010

Final Blog

1.) I have never used blogging before this class. I was a bit apprehensive at first, because I new that everyone would be able to read what I was writing. In spite of this, once I started blogging I found it sort of exciting and fun at the same time. Many people all around the world are blogging and getting their thoughts, ideas and opinions out there. I find it to be a great way to express yourself and for others to read about you. It is interesting how other people can add their thoughts about your topic.

2.) I found blogging to be extremely useful reflection and communication tool. I was able to read what other students had to say about certain topics and decide whether I agreed or disagreed with them. This tool can be informative and enables people to get their thoughts out to the public and all you need to have is a computer and a free blogger account.

3.) I would use a blog in my classroom. I think it would work the best with middle school and high school students. This is an easy and effective way to have the whole class communicate out of class. I would post artists and art related website for students to look at and write a review about. Since we are in such a technology/ visually based society, I think it would be helpful to incorporate a blog page into every classroom. Students will find it enjoyable to make their own blog page and also design the format of it.

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