Monday, February 1, 2010

Vist to Albright Knox

Which artworks do I feel a connection with and why?

Georgia O’ Keefee

Green Patio Door 1955

Oil on canvas

I feel a deep connection with the painting Green Patio Door. I like the fact that the painting has a minimalistic quality to it, however, it seems as though there is much more meaning to it. When I look at this work it reminds me of the sky and sand. The turquoise square in the center makes me feel as though we are looking though an opening and viewing the sea. I think several metaphors are being portrayed here.

William de Kooning

Gotham News 1955

Oil on canvas

I fee a connection with Gotham News because of the raw style. De Kooning seems to be very open with his thoughts. I like the abstract style of the work and the variation in line quality. This piece makes me feel a sense of self-expression. I am instantly pulled into this work because of the unique quality of the application of the paint.

Jackson Pollack

Convergence 1952

Oil on canvas

I have always felt a connection to Pollack’s work because he was breaking away from the normal and experimenting with new techniques. Not only am I in awe by the significant size of the piece, however, I am fascinated by his thought process and desire to create.

Mark Rothko

Orange and Yellow 1956

Oil on canvas

I am connected to the work of Rothko because I love how he brings deep associations to his work and the world around him. Many people don’t fully understand his pieces and feel that they could make them. However, I understand that the orange and yellow work has much more meaning behind it. I am interested in color field paintings for their beauty and meaning behind them.

Robert Motherwell

Elegy to the Spanish Republic No. 34

1953-54 Oil on canvas

I feel connected to Motherwell’s paintings because I am captivated by his use of extremely large brush strokes. I think it is most interesting not to paint in a realistic manner, however, for you to interpret events and emotions through your own abstraction. Motherwell is able to communicate and document important events by using his own imagination.

Which artworks make an impact or impression on me and why?

Piet Mondrian

Composition No. 11 with Blue, Red and Yellow

1940-42 Oil on canvas

Mondrian has always made a great impact on me. I am drawn in by his use of white space and primary colors. His work reminds me of stain glass windows. I like how the piece is broken up in such a way that I am able to find unity in the asymmetrical layout.

Wassily Kandinsky

Fragment 2 for composition V11

1913 Oil on canvas

Kandinsky’s work makes a definite impression on me. I am mesmerized by his bold use of colors. I enjoy looking at his abstract forms and trying to figure out what they could be. Kandinsky has a great energy to his work that I find captivating.

Salvador Dali

The Transparent Simulacrum of the Feigned Image

1938 Oil on canvas

Dali seems to leave an impact on almost every person who views his work. The surreal quality is so unique that it creates an almost dreamlike state. The viewer is then forced to use their imagination to enter this strange world that Dali created. He can create images that seem believable from afar, however, when you come closer you realize many things are out of place.

Paul Cezanne

Morning in Provence 1900-06

Oil on canvas

Cezanne’s work leaves a lasting impression. He creates a beautiful flowing sense of real life scenes. I am intrigued by his idea of using the small square strokes. He was starting what came to be known as Cubism. I like how he was breaking away from the traditional Impressionism style and creating his own views.

Paul Gauguin

Spirit of the Dead Watching 1892

Oil on burlap and mounted canvas

I am so interested in the way Gauguin uses pattern in his works. He is able to blend colors beautifully and create a narrative from his imaginative ideas. Gauguin was not painting from real life; however, this whole sense was made up in his head. It is fascinating to see what he came up with.

Which artworks would I like to know more about and why?

Clare Woods

Failed Back 2004

Enamel on aluminum

I would like to learn more about Woods approach to her work. What kind of process does she go through and how does she execute it? I see a resemblance to trees in the work and would like to know if she finds herself with this theme often?

Tara Donovan

Untitled Mylar 2007

Mylar and glue

I have never seen anything like Donovan’s Mylar pieces. I would like to know what inspired her to create these and also how many has she created? I really like how they have such an organic quality to them.

Polly Apfelbaum

Reckless 1998

Synthetic velvet and fabric dye

Apfelbaum’s work Reckless is so unique and beautiful. I thought it was interesting to see it on the floor. I would want to know if she places her instillations in various different areas such as ceilings, walls and outside. Also I would like to know if she gets her pattern ideas from animals.

Jorge Pardo

Untitled 2008

Silkscreen on MDF

I really like the colors and overall shape of Pardo’s piece. I would like to know how he creates the star forms. Does he use a tool to make them so precise? It is so interesting how these forms create three-dimensional illusions.

Emilio Perez

Drowning on Dry Land 2007

Acrylic and latex on wood

I would like to know how long it took Perez to complete this piece. It is such a monumental work of art. Also what inspired her to create her images? And was she references the sea?

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